Namaslay and Everything In Between

I practice yoga to slow down from the busy outside world. To remind myself it is not a race. The practice connects me back to who I truly am, without ego, and then I try to step back into the world from an authentic place.  I teach yoga to share what I know and believe works: creating more awareness as we hurry through life to pause and see the beauty in each and every thing, and in each and every one of us. Yoga is the art of paying attention. The physical practice is an entry to the boundless teachings that yoga offers.

That felt right to me. You know, as my first blog post.  Don’t get me wrong I meant every single word. What I really wanted to say was, “zero fucks are given and just own your shit!”. At least that’s what I told myself my New Years “intention” was going to be for 2017. My intention, which turned into my mantra for practically every decision I’ve made since January 1st, has kept me pretty busy.  So yes I’ve kept up my New Years intention. 

What I didn’t think about was how to deal with the feelings of the backlash of not giving a fck. Sure, it feels amazing to just go for it…the fears that had been paralyzing me for all those years (take that!) to now taking a leap of faith with little to no planning/thinking with my eyes wide open…it causes more than just a rush! Esp for a people-pleaser-non-confrontational-Libra like myself. I know, I’m not suppose to give a fuck, but fuuuck!

I’m a creature of bad habits and bad habits dies feverishly slow, so be excited to see where this blog will take you! I sure am! ♡

Namaste ॐ


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