How To Get Your Best Body Yet Without Having To Give Up Anything

I love Spring and the renewed energy that comes with it, but there can also be a lot of pressure and negative energy surrounding it — the overload of marketing encouraging you to detox to get to your “bikini body”.

Feeling good is about more than just food and exercise. I wholeheartedly believe that eating real, nutrientious foods and moving your body consistently are key to helping you achieve great levels of health and wellness.
I want to remove some of that stigma and reassure you there are easy and efficient ways to feel and look better that don’t  involve being super strict or drinking green juice for five days straight.  Instead try something new this spring and start small with these five recommended habits that’s simple to integrate into your current lifestyle.

1. Drink more water.

There’s a reason this advice has been repeatedly over and over. It’s so important and truly one of the best and easiest habits for shedding excess weight and toxins. Hydration is key to keeping things moving and functioning properly and helps your body carry out waste and other toxins. There’s been a ton of research that has shown that people commonly mistake dehydration for hunger (Check out Scientific American to read more on this) . Studies also show that people who drink more water tend to consume fewer calories. Some experts believe it increases your metabolism, and it will definitely help you phase out sugary drinks.

Action: Start each day with a cup of warm water with lemon (which is extremely alkalizing and detoxifies the body) and set a timer to remind yourself to drink a cup of water every hour or so. I carry a 32-ounce hydroflask around with me wherever I go and refill it three times throughout the day to keep track of how much I’m drinking.

2. Dry brushing / Coffee scrubs 

I was once part of corporate America once and with prolong sitting and diets that were high in sugar and trans fats I suffered from poor circulation. This is far from ideal as your organs (including the heart and the brain) won’t receive all of the nutrients they need to function properly. Not to mention when circulation slows you burn less fat, and accumulate cellulite. Not fun.

This is where dry brushing comes in, a technique that improves circulation. By taking a natural bristled brush and rubbing it in small movements on your skin you stimulate your body’s largest organ and enhance blood circulation. By loosening up toxins from your skin to be excreted through the lymph notes will help you shed dead skin, get rid of cellulite, and will even give you an energy boost.

Action: You can purchase a dry brush at a very affordable price online. Use it before your morning shower, starting at your feet and brushing in small circular movements with light pressure, working your way up the body and toward the heart.

3. Infrared sauna therapy

Infrared sauna therapy is huge in the wellness world. While traditional saunas use heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body, infrared therapy uses light rays (like the sun, minus the UV exposure) that heat your body’s core temperature directly, enabling it to deeply penetrate tissue and remove heavy metal toxins and fat stored within your cells.

This is a key component of fat loss and weight, as stagnant pockets of fat in our bodies store chemical toxins. As we sweat (and you will sweat!) it promotes circulation and with it gorgeous, glowing skin.

Action: Get googling and look for a spa, yoga studio, or wellness center near you that has an infrared sauna.

4. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

A good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. Lack of sleep can affect our weight, cognition, hormones, and result in higher risk of fat gain.

Action: Getting more sleep is easier said than done, so try these rituals to get your best night’s sleep ever:

  • Create a bedtime ritual.
  • Figure out a bedtime you can stick to almost every day and set an alarm one hour before to give yourself plenty of time to ease into sleep.
  • Options To Try: reading, taking an Epsom salt bath, drinking tea (caffeine-free), snuggling with a loved one, or writing a gratitude list. It’s all about what works best for you!
  • Put down your phone.  Keep electronics out of the bedroom if possible.
  • Try an old-fashioned alarm clock if you can, but if you simply can’t give up your phone alarm charge it across the room from you. This way you’re less likely to wake up and check email in the middle of the night and more likely to get out of bed when it goes off in the morning.
  • Have a sleep kit handy.  Create your own sleep kit. Mine includes earplugs (to block out sound), an eye mask (to block out light), lavender essential oil (to induce a calm feeling), and magnesium supplements (to aid in muscle relaxation). Get creative: (scented candles, silky pjs) as long as it’s something useful and enjoyable.

5. Work on yourself from the inside out.

Emotions affect our digestion.  There’s a small part of our brain called the reticular activation system (RAS) that turns on and off our perception of ideas and thoughts and determines the lens through which we look at ourselves and the world. When you tell yourself and believe in positiv affirmations you’re building new pathways in your brain.

Aligning our thoughts, words, actions (such as what we eat), and core beliefs is the key to success in looking and feeling the way you want.

Action: It’s a lovely idea but much harder to put into action. This is where getting additional support from a health coach can be instrumental. A health coach can uncover limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from feeling and looking your best.

Taking care of yourself and cleansing in these efficient, natural ways will have you feeling better quickly. Empowering you with the motivation you need to take the steps to achieving your wellness goals.

The Feng Shui Element You Need To Add In Your Home 

From early on I learned from my grandmother the power of feng shui. My grandmother who was trained in feng shui didn’t come off as the superstitious type, but yet had this wealth of knowledge that she so seldom shared. Till this day I’m still not sure if I believe in feng shui, but I do believe in energies and it definitely doesn’t hurt to improve the energy in ones home. After all, home is where the heart is.

The surfaces on mirrors reflect everything in our spaces right back onto us, so if you are having trouble sleeping or experiencing nightmares, a mirror may be to blame. You can cover the mirror at night for a few weeks and see if sleep improves. Beyond bedrooms, mirrors are great tools for improving the feng shui in our homes.  Here are 8 of the most effective ways to use mirrors in your home.

1. Deflect negative chi

In order to keep challenges outside your home from coming in, you can hang a Baguio mirror (a 6-inch octagon with a round mirror in the center) over the outside of your front door. I hung a mirror to deflect the electrical transformer on my street, but you might hang one to offset a neglected lot nearby, oncoming traffic, a church (remember there are funerals there as well as happy occasions), a water tower or large power line, or even a graveyard (need I say more?).



2. Mend a bad relationship with neighbors

Most of us have had a poor relationship with neighbors at some point and know how challenging they can be. In order to shift this negative energy, you can hang a small, round mirror on a fence that faces into your property. Every time you look into it, imagine that it is opening a portal of loving kindness with your neighbor. This has been really effective for many of my family and friends, believe it or not!



3. Fill a “missing” area

When you apply the feng shui Bagua map to your home, you may have a “missing” area. In this case, locate the two walls that are adjacent to this missing area and hang a mirror on both in order to visually extend the space.



4. Stimulate action in your career

Since mirrors are yang (stimulating and energetic), placing them inside of your foyer or front door is thought to help inspire you to take action once you step outside.



5. Complement a fireplace

In feng shui philosophy, the center of your home is thought to correspond to health and longevity. Having a fireplace there is therefore not the best idea. Under Chinese Five Element Theory (consisting of the elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), mirrors are considered the water element and are appropriate to hang over a fireplace.



6. Reflect the power of nature indoors

If you’re lucky enough to have an abundant yard, consider hanging a mirror to reflect that nature into your house. If you have beautiful trees, the mirror will add wood energy, which contributes to growth and expansion. If you overlook a mountain, the mirror will add earth energy, which is all about stability and strength. And if you see a natural body of water, you can enhance prosperity!



7. Expand your vision

If you need enhanced vision and creativity in your career, you can hang a mirror next to your desk. Looking into the mirror will increase ideas and options and expand your vision.



8. Add light

If you have a room that has few windows and is rather dark, you can hang a mirror opposite or adjacent to the windows to increase the natural light and add more energy to the room.



As you can see, mirrors are rather magical objects that can help us remedy problems as well as radiate positive energy in our homes. I hope you try some of these placements out and let me know how it goes!




Namaslay and Everything In Between

I practice yoga to slow down from the busy outside world. To remind myself it is not a race. The practice connects me back to who I truly am, without ego, and then I try to step back into the world from an authentic place.  I teach yoga to share what I know and believe works: creating more awareness as we hurry through life to pause and see the beauty in each and every thing, and in each and every one of us. Yoga is the art of paying attention. The physical practice is an entry to the boundless teachings that yoga offers.

That felt right to me. You know, as my first blog post.  Don’t get me wrong I meant every single word. What I really wanted to say was, “zero fucks are given and just own your shit!”. At least that’s what I told myself my New Years “intention” was going to be for 2017. My intention, which turned into my mantra for practically every decision I’ve made since January 1st, has kept me pretty busy.  So yes I’ve kept up my New Years intention. 

What I didn’t think about was how to deal with the feelings of the backlash of not giving a fck. Sure, it feels amazing to just go for it…the fears that had been paralyzing me for all those years (take that!) to now taking a leap of faith with little to no planning/thinking with my eyes wide open…it causes more than just a rush! Esp for a people-pleaser-non-confrontational-Libra like myself. I know, I’m not suppose to give a fuck, but fuuuck!

I’m a creature of bad habits and bad habits dies feverishly slow, so be excited to see where this blog will take you! I sure am! ♡

Namaste ॐ
